

  1. Engineered safety features (ESFs) are installed in the nuclear power plant to mitigate the consequences in the accidents.
  1. 核电站内设置专设安全设施,以减轻事故的后果。
  2. The ESFs include such systems as emergency core cooling system, containment heat removal system (e.g., containment spray system), containment combustible gas control system, auxiliary feedwater system, component cooling water system and emergency power system.
  2. 专设安全设施包括:应急堆芯冷却系统,安全壳热量导出系统(如安全壳喷淋系统),安全壳可燃气体控制系统,辅助给水系统,设备冷却水系统和应急电源。
  3. The emergency core cooling system (ECCS) is designed to cool the reactor core and provide additional shutdown capability following loss of coolant accident (LOCA), steam generator tube rupture, or main steam line break.
  3. ECCS应急堆芯冷却系统用于在发生LOCA(冷却剂失水事故),SGTR(蒸发器传热管破裂事故),MSLB(主蒸汽管道破裂事故)情况下冷却堆芯和提供额外的停堆能力。
  4. The ECCS is divided into several subsystems consisting of both passive systems and active systems.
  4. ECCS分为几个能动动和非能动的子系统。
  5. The passive systems consist of large volume tanks (accumulators) which are filled with borated water and pressurized with nitrogen gas.
  5. 非能动的系统由大容积的水箱(安注箱)组成,箱内装有硼水,上部由带压的氮气覆盖。
  6. The active systems consist of several pumping systems of varying discharge pressure and flow rates, e.g., high head injection system, low head injection system.
  6. 能动系统由不同注入压力和流量的泵系统组成,如高压安注系统,低压安注系统。
  7. In order to meet the single failure criterion, it is necessary that each active component be duplicated.
  7. 为满足单一故障准则,能动设备必须冗余。
  8. All active components are actuated by an engineered safety system actuation signal (also known as safety injection signal).
  8. 所有能动设备均能被专设安全信号(也称为安注信号)触发启动。
  9. All active systems use the refueling water storage tank as a source of water following the loss of coolant accident.
  9. 在LOCA事故时,所有能动系统都将换料水箱作为水源。
  10.  The operation of the emergency core cooling system following a loss of coolant accident can be divided into three modes: injection mode, cold leg recirculation and hot leg recirculation.
  10. LOCA工况下ECCS的运行可分为三种模式:安注,冷段再循环,热段再循环。
  11. Cold leg recirculation mode will provide long term cooling for the core and hot leg recirculation mode will be used alternately provide reverse flow to the core.
  11. 冷段再循环给堆芯提供长期的冷却,热段再循环用于交替地给堆芯提供反向流。
  12.The emergency core cooling system must meet the acceptance criteria, e.g., peak cladding temperature remains less than 1204℃.
  12. ECCS必须满足安全准则,如峰值包壳温度小于1204℃。

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